The BBC has recently drawn attention to research currently being undertaken at the University of Edinburgh which may help to alleviate the pain suffered by women with endometriosis.

The EXPPECT Endometriosis team is currently undertaking trials to evaluate the drug, Dichloroacetate, as a possible treatment for endometriosis pain.

One of the leaders of the research team, Professor Andrew Horne, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences, is reported by the BBC as commenting that results of the trials so far are ‘exciting’.

The Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society, also based in Edinburgh, is currently recruiting participants for a study of ‘patient and clinician perspectives’ on endometriosis, aiming to improve communication about endometriosis among clinicians, patients, researchers and the public.

Endometriosis is a condition of the female reproductive system which can cause chronic pain and, if left untreated, can lead to bowel problems and even infertility. Many women have found it difficult to achieve a diagnosis which, in some cases, can take years.

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