Pressure Sores / Ulcers
Suffered From Hospital Acquired
Pressure Ulcers/ Pressure Sores?
When you enter a hospital for treatment it is many people's fear that they will leave with different illnesses or problems than they entered with. In addition to the risks of MRSA or C Difficile hospital acquired pressure ulcers or pressure sores are another common problem. The question is how do hospital acquired pressure ulcers materialise, what treatment is available and when can they give rise to a medical negligence claim?
When Do 'Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers' Amount To Negligence?
There have been many reported cases from successful claims for medical negligence compensation following hospital acquired pressure ulcers. These generally occur when a patient is admitted to hospital for reasons not connected to pressure sores/ulcers. Over a period of time the patient starts to develop red and sore areas. If these are not treated and the patient is not placed onto an air mattress, these areas can develop and deteriorate. If not treated they can then break the skin and become infected and pussy with an offensive smell. It is the hospitals' failure to inspect, detect and treat the pressure sores early enough that can give rise to a claim for medical negligence. The reason for this is that ultimately if the hospital notices the redness early enough with the correct treatment the sore should not ulcerate.
Treatment For Pressure Sores
Once the hospital notices any reddening of the skin they should consider the following treatment methods:
- Placing the patient on an air mattress
- Moving the patient onto different parts of his body to prevent deterioration/ulceration of the sores
- Application of medicine and dressings to the wound
- Ensuring the correct food and fluid intake
Compensation For Pressure Ulcers/ Pressure Sores
Due to the pain, discomfort and suffering experienced by the patient, awards for compensation for pressure ulcers can be significant, often in excess of £20 - 30,000.
What Can You Do?
If you have sustained pressure ulcers or pressure sores as a result of a visit to hospital, we can examine the circumstances of your injury and advise you whether you can make a claim for compensation.
How We Help You
All initial enquiries to us are completely free of charge and if we do not believe that you have good prospects of a successful claim for compensation we will not charge you for our time. If we can help you to make a claim for compensation you will benefit from the following funding options:
- Conditional Fees ("no win, no fee" medical negligence claims)
- Legal Expenses Insurance
- Private Funding
- Structured Payment Plans
Make A Free Enquiry About Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers
Early legal intervention can be vital so please contact us if you think you may have a claim. Please call us free on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.