One quarter of hospital Trusts in England are at risk of providing poor care, says the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Each Trust was assessed in over 150 areas, including death rates, serious errors and patient surveys. If a Trust’s performance in one area fell below what would be expected, it would be deemed at risk for that particular topic.

The CQC used these scores to band each Trust according to risk, with band one being the highest risk category and band 6 being lowest risk category. Out of the 161 Trusts in England, 24 fell into band one and 20 fell into band two. The Trusts in band one includes those placed on special measures earlier this year.

The Trusts deemed most at risk of providing poor care will be prioritised in a new inspection system, devised in the wake of the Stafford Hospital scandal. Every Trust will inspected by 2015 and given a rating of ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’. The first 18 inspections will be completed by the regulator by Christmas.

Health Foundation chief executive Dr Jennifer Dixon said: “It makes sense to use the wealth of routinely available data in the NHS to try to spot patterns which might identify or predict poor quality care for patients.

“The intelligent monitoring tool can never by itself be a crystal ball, but it is a great start and will surely develop over time.”

Have You Been Affected By Poor Care?

If you have been subject to poor hospital care and you believe this has caused you unnecessary pain and suffering, get in touch with us to discuss your experience. It is possible that you have been the innocent victim of medical negligence, for which you deserve to be compensated.

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