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Cauda Equina
Claiming Compensation for Substandard Medical Care of CES

Claiming Compensation for Substandard Medical Care of CES

Substandard medical care of cauda equina compression can allow delays to develop in the course of diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, where this life-changing condition is concerned, this can leave a patient with permanent disability.

Cauda equina compression

The cauda equina nerves are located at the base of the spine and are absolutely fundamental to the functioning of the bladder, bowel, sexual organs and lower limbs.

Compression of these nerves, such as by a herniated disc, needs to be diagnosed as a matter of emergency before the degree of compression increases and causes further, potentially irrecoverable, function losses.

If diagnosis and treatment are delayed, the patient may suffer permanent double incontinence, sexual dysfunction and loss of mobility.

If these appalling symptoms are due to substandard medical care, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.

Diagnosis and surgery for cauda equina compression

Medical care in relation to this appalling condition needs to be scrupulous in order to avoid a catastrophic outcome:

  • Recognition of the early possible symptoms, such as bilateral leg symptoms and altered saddle sensation, is essential in order to ensure that a referral is made for an MRI scan
  • Warning a patient of the red flag symptoms where an MRI referral is not felt to be necessary is crucial to ensure that the patient takes immediate action should those symptoms develop
  • Making an emergency referral where necessary, rather than delaying further investigation, is vital to a timely diagnosis
  • Arranging for emergency surgery where the MRI scan results show compression of the cauda equina nerves gives the patient the best chance of a successful outcome.

Why claim compensation?

As well as the pain, suffering and emotional and physical distress which can be experienced by a patient whose life is changed by negligent medical care, there is the issue of the financial impact.

Cauda equina disability can cause significant financial problems. An individual may find that they are no longer able to work or that the type of employment they can undertake is now restricted and causes a loss of income.

They may also find that their home is no longer appropriate for them to live in due to mobility problems, and major alterations are necessary.

For some people, personal care is also necessary because they are unable to live independently with safety.

A successful compensation would address these financial issues. Consequently, As well as giving the patient the sense that justice has been done, a successful claim can provide the financial support necessary to cope with their permanent disability.

Speak to a legal specialist

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated legal practice with significant expertise in this complex area of law.

If you or a loved one are struggling with the effects of substandard medical care of cauda equina compression, contact us to talk with a specialist lawyer with experience of CES claims about the possibility of making a claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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