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Cauda Equina
Negligent Medical Care of Incomplete Cauda Equina Syndrome

Negligent Medical Care of Incomplete Cauda Equina Syndrome

A patient with incomplete cauda equina syndrome is a patient in need of emergency surgery. A failure to make a confirmed diagnosis or a failure to initiate surgery within an appropriate timeframe may justify a claim for compensation if the patient suffers a poor outcome.

Incomplete cauda equina syndrome

A patient with incomplete cauda equina syndrome is experiencing compression of the cauda equina nerves at the base of the spine. Prompt and effective surgery should prevent further deterioration. Without treatment in the form of decompression surgery it is likely that the patient's nerve compression and loss of lower body function will worsen. Failing to act as promptly as possible may allow the patient to suffer a worse outcome than would have been the case with earlier diagnosis and surgery.

  • Recognition of the possible signs and symptoms of cauda equina syndrome including bilateral leg symptoms, altered perineal sensation, altered urinary function and altered bladder sensation.
  • Carrying out a thorough assessment of the patient's signs, symptoms and history to identify or rule out the likelihood of cauda equina syndrome
  • Making a prompt referral for an MRI scan where appropriate
  • Ensuring that the patient is aware of the red flag symptoms and the need to attend hospital as a matter of emergency if they develop

The long-term impact

Negligent care of incomplete cauda equina syndrome can allow the patient to deteriorate to complete cauda equina syndrome. Such an outcome can condemn a patient to permanent debilitating symptoms of double incontinence, sexual dysfunction and loss of mobility or paralysis.

Such an appalling combination of symptoms alters a person's life in almost every way. From the pressure on personal relationships to the impact on a person's ability to work and their ability to function independently and safely in their own home, this terrible condition is utterly debilitating.

In addition to the psychological, physical and practical toll which the condition can impose, these shocking symptoms can also cause a significant impact on a person's finances. The increased demand on their finances, such as requiring additional help in the home, may occur at the same time as possibly facing a reduced income due to the effects of their symptoms.

Speak to a compensation specialist

If you or a loved one are struggling with the appalling impact of cauda equina syndrome due to negligent medical care, contact Glynns Solicitors. Specialists in medical negligence compensation, we offer extensive expertise in cauda equina claims.

Contact us today to speak with a specialist solicitor, free of charge, about the possibility of making a claim for compensation.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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