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Cauda Equina

Late CES Treatment and Claiming Compensation for Disability

Late CES Treatment and Claiming Compensation for Disability

If a delay in treating cauda equina compression has left you or a loved one with the horrific symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, contact Glynns Solicitors to discuss the possibility of making a claim for compensation.

Surgery for cauda equina syndrome

Treatment in the form of spinal decompression following a diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome can be a matter of emergency. It is often required to take place within a matter of hours rather than days or weeks. This will give the patient the best chance of a good outcome.

Conversely, a delay in initiating surgery can allow time for the patient's condition to worsen, thereby increasing their lower body symptoms and long-term disability.

The reason for this relates to the progressive nature of cauda equina syndrome caused by increasing compression of the cauda equina nerves at the base of the spine.

For a patient to achieve the best outcome, it is necessary for diagnosis and surgery to occur at the earliest possible moment in the development of the condition.

Delays in the medical management of CES

Unfortunately, delays in the medical management of cauda equina syndrome can occur at any point in the course of diagnosis up to the point of the commencement of surgery, with every delay putting the patient at risk of suffering a worse outcome.

  • A failure to recognise or suspect the symptoms of CES will delay diagnosis and the initiation of surgery
  • A failure to make an emergency referral for an MRI scan when that would normally be regarded as necessary may give time for deterioration of symptoms
  • A failure to provide red flag warnings when appropriate may delay the patient's attendance at Accident and Emergency
  • A delay in commencing surgery may leave the patient with worse permanent symptoms than would have been the case with a more timely management of their condition

Claiming compensation

The symptoms of complete cauda equina syndrome, such as incontinence and loss of mobility, can cause significant financial losses to the patient. This may be in terms of the costs of care or in a reduction in income if the individual is now unable to work or restricted in their capacity to work.

If you or a loved one are in this distressing situation, contact Glynns, specialist in medical negligence law, to discuss the possibility of making a claim for compensation. Don't delay as medical negligence compensation claims are associated with a strict legal deadline.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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