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Cauda Equina
How To Claim Compensation For Negligent Cauda Equina Syndrome Care

How To Claim Compensation For Negligent Cauda Equina Syndrome Care

If you or a loved one have received negligent medical care of cauda equina compression, you would be legally entitled to make a claim for compensation, addressing issues of pain, suffering and financial losses.

What constitutes negligent medical care?

Due to the crucial significance of timing in cauda equina syndrome, and the added complexity of the unfamiliarity of this appalling condition, negligent care of cauda equina syndrome can occur in a variety of ways.

The key to a good outcome from cauda equina syndrome is for diagnosis and surgery to occur at the soonest possible moment. Any delay may allow the patient's nerve compression and loss of function to worsen, and their chances of recovery to deteriorate accordingly. Any action, or inaction, by medical professionals which causes a delay which should not have occurred, may be regarded as negligent and, if the patient suffers a worse outcome as a result, may justify a claim for compensation.

  • A failure to recognise the early possible symptoms of cauda equina compression such as bilateral leg pain, altered perineal sensation and altered urinary or bladder function.
  • A failure to carry out an examination to assess a patient for any signs or symptoms of cauda equina compression where this would normally be regarded as necessary
  • A failure to warn the patient of the red flag symptoms which should prompt an immediate attendance at Accident and Emergency
  • A delay in making a referral for an MRI scan
  • A delay in carrying out or reporting the results of an MRI scan
  • A delay in arranging surgery for a patient who has been diagnosed with cauda equina compression

How to claim compensation

The first step in making a claim for compensation is to speak with a specialist medical negligence solicitor. Compensation claims for this complex and life-changing condition are extremely complicated and require the services of the best medical experts and experienced medical negligence lawyers.

Your solicitor will need to obtain your medical records and investigate the quality of your medical care in order to identify whether or not there has been a breach of duty and the extent, if at all, to which this has affected your long-term outcome.

Speak to a specialist

Glynns Solicitors is a dedicated medical negligence legal practice with a team of experienced lawyers and a long-standing history of successful, high-value cauda equina syndrome claims.

Contact us today to talk to a specialist solicitor, free of charge, about the suitability of making a claim for compensation.

Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.

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